2023Laboratory of Sequential Turbocharging Thermal PowerThe test bench of sequential turbocharging thermal power is designed for the study of sequential turbocharging system of the diesel engine, and the verification test system of supercharger and supercharger system.1. Composition and Working Principle of Test BenchTest bench of sequential turbocharging thermal power is mainly composed of pipelin...
2023Supper-charged Boiler Experiment BenchThe supper-charged boiler experiment bench is used to simulate the marine steam-powered propulsion system and steam supply system.1. Composition and Working Principle of Test BenchThe experiment bench includes nine parts: pilot supper-charged boiler, air supply and exhausted flue gas system, oil supply system, steam accumulator system, bypass recirculation ...
2023Laboratory of Flexible Foundation-Shafting PropulsionThe laboratory of flexible foundation-shafting propulsion has an experimental verification system to simulate the dynamic characteristics of hull and shafts of hovercrafts under complex ocean environments.1. Composition and Working Principle of Test BenchThe system is composed of propulsion shaft system and flexible floating box. The propulsi...
2023Combined Power Plant LaboratoryThe combined power plant laboratory is an experimental verification system for simulating the operation characteristics, control strategy and fault diagnosis of marine joint power system.1. Composition and Working Principle of Test BenchThe system includes five parts: power equipment, load equipment, gearbox group, control system and associated ancillary system. D...
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